October 24, 2007

Elbow deep in php search engines

I have been playing around with a php search engine (since so many people request a good site search) and did quite a bit of mucking around to find a simple way to do things that might make for a good RapidWeaver snippet entry or a RapidWeaver tutorial... Well... a tutorial I might eventually have. A snippet? Not so likely.

If there is anything I learned from the last snippet I released it's that not everybody is code savvy and not everybody enjoys digging in to html and php. While I really don't mind supporting 50-60 responses in a thread for a free bit of code, I must honestly say I can't afford the time right now.

Fear not though, when I have a moment I will sit down and write the definitive tutorial to have a completely integrated and seamless (not to mention built in) backend searching solution for RapidWeaver based sites. It will be advanced but if you are not afraid to get your hands elbow deep in code than I think you will find it well worth your while. To get an idea of what I have been working on, go over to seyDesign and try the little search box in the sidebar.

Stay tuned...

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