March 14, 2008

Sneak peek #4 and more

sneak peek #4So the bulk of all of the boring work is done on this project. Now I am getting into the super sexy stuff, the money making stuff... I must say that even the boring stuff looks goooood though.

And also...

So I have another project due out this Tuesday. I can't give any details but it's for a heavy hitting client of PUMP Communications. It should have been a fairly simple one but there were a few hang-ups in the beginning (design by committee sort of hang-ups) and in the end I don't think anyone was taking me seriously when I said the French translation might take up to a week or more (which it did).

Anyhow, with a few days to spare I managed to get the project up and fine tuned ready for release this coming Tuesday. Look for more on it then.

But wait...

Some time ago I worked for a lab in the automative industry and to shorten the story some, they recently needed a website, a place to download some of their docs. So in record time (less than a day) I pumped out this site. I mean it's not ground breaking but it's better than a kick in the ass for a day's worth of coding.

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