October 23, 2008

We're off to London!

We're going to London!I'm off to the UK for a bit of a holiday. We take flight at 9:40 pm October 23 (that's today) and will be gone for about 10 days. We'll be back to answer your support questions on the week of November 1st. Remember that if you have any major concerns between now and then you can always try posting them the the Realmac Software forum and I am sure one of the kind and knowledgeable folks there will help straighten you out enough until I get back.

We'll try to keep you posted on our daily outings. That's likely to occur on Twitter so if your inclined to keep tabs on the leisure time of a theme developer geek like myself then you can come follow me.

Anyhow, stay safe and we'll catch in a few days time.

1 comment:

PAT said...

let me know if you need any tourist advice!