December 11, 2008

Realmac Software release LittleSnapper/QuickSnapper one-two punch!

Realmac Software has just made LittleSnapper official, bringing this very powerful screen and web snapping app out of beta and into the general public. I've been fortunate to be playing with this app for a week or so, putting it and it's integrated web service, QuickSnapper through their paces. This isn't just you normal screen snapping app. It's a lot more than Skitch (which has never left it's apparent state of perpetual beta) and has many advantages over it (with one or two slight disadvantages). And the web service, not unlike ScrnShots is a robust and attractive place to be and get inspiration.

LittleSnapper allows you to treat a collection of screen and web snaps more like a library, and iPhoto Library if you will, allowing you to tag them, rate them, make notes and annotations, view the source code for web snaps. This gives you not just a library of images, but a tool box of thumbnails complete with source code for studying, origins, ways to note what you liked about it, etc... There really isn't many things to compare it to. It is one of those trend setting apps that has more or less made it's own niche. Certainly a web designers must-have app.

And then there is QuickSnapper... While at first glance, it's not all together different from what other similar scree/web shot sites are doing and on it's own it wouldn't be particularly exciting (except that it looks damn sexy). What set's it apart though is that it was built to support the LittleSnapper app, and not built the other way around. That's where these other screen/web snap sharing site have gone wrong in my books. They've built the site and now in order for you to get your stuff up there, they've made a half baked "utility" that will, if you are lucky, let you upload something... sometimes.

QuickSnapper, on the other hand was built with LittleSnapper integration in mind... exclusively. With the click of a button, LittleSnapper loads up a snap to your account. In turn, with the click of a button on QuickSnapper, you can pull down a shared snap into your own LittleSnapper library... click... that's it! A complete, happy snapping, bio circle of screen and web snapping goodness. Does it get any better than this? Me thinks not!

Oh, and BTW, the screen grab of LittleSnapper? Yeah that was taken with LittleSnapper and is hosted on QuickSnapper...

1 comment:

Ian Mcallister said...
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