September 6, 2007

Getting the word out, one post at a time

You know it's nice to be busy, but from time to time you have to get a few things off your chest. I had been sitting on a few such things over the last few days. For starters, every one with an online store struggles to get the news out to their clients that something is new or updated. Blogs have been a real godsend in that department. The trouble is though, if your blog isn't the first thing that your clients see when they come to your site, they don't always get the information you want to convey. I used to have my blog as my home page on seyDesign a while back, which worked well but looked like crap. A blog does not make for a sexy landing page. So what I did was make a nice new landing page and buried the blog deeper in the site. This was sexy, but far fewer people were getting the news the needed about my products. My solution was to make a cute little implementation of SimplePie and put it in the sidebar of seyDesign's home page so that recent posts would always show up on the home page, off to the side where they won't dirty things up. Since I went to all the effort of coding this up to work in RapidWeaver, I decided to make it into a RapidWeaver snippet and share it with the rest of the RapidWeaver users out there. If you're interested in knowing more about it, check out this article.

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