September 2, 2007

Loghound releases FAQ Maker

My favorite client, John McLaughlin of released his latest RapidWeaver plugin, FAQ Maker. I am a huge fan of all of Loghound's plugins (this blog is made with RapidBlog), but what makes each and everyone of his releases special to me is that they use my icons. I am particularly proud of the icon I made for FAQ Maker, second only to the icon I made for RapidBlog.

If you are wondering exactly what FAQ Maker does, it's a RapidWeaver plugin page type that allows users to easily generate FAQ pages, kind of blog style. I have made a lot FAQ pages in the past, and building headers and anchors and so on is a tedious job. FAQ Maker does away with all of that and frees you up to just enter the question, then the answer and FAQ Maker takes care of all the rest. It can even mark new entries so visitors always know what's new on the FAQ.

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