August 24, 2008

The beauty of RapidWeaver meets the power of TextMate

Edit%20RapidWeaver%20in%20TextMate%20thumb As a web designer and fairly huge Mac geek I am one of those guys who gets rather passionate about certain apps and workflows, etc... Those of you who have read one or more entries on, a Mac workflow blog I write for on occasion, you'll know that I am a big fan of Path Finder, Quicksilver and TextMate, three apps that rule my world. Recently, suspecting I wasn't tapping into TextMates full potential, I purchased TextMate - Power Editing for the Mac by James Edward Gray II. Well I was correct in my suspicions, since by chapter 3 I had already learned so many more tricks that I couldn't wait to get back into coding just to put what I had learned to the test.

One trick I had always been vaguely aware of, and apparently by name only, was the "Edit in TextMate" feature. I had looked at activating this at one time but had decided it was terribly complex for something I could just set of a Quicksilver trigger for (which I did, or so I thought). Having just skimmed over what this "Edit in TextMate" feature was, I figured this was just some short hand trick for forcing various files types and folders to open in TextMate as opposed to their default application. In fact, this is a power user feature that allows TextMate to hijack the editing fields of other apps (the search field in Google home page, or in this case, the blog post field of Blogger, my Fluid SSB app).

Here is where the little light bulb went off in my head... Could this be used in RapidWeaver? Now let me start by saying I LOVE RapidWeaver, I really do, but when it comes to HTML code editing, which I do on a continual basis, I can't stand not having my TextMate features and functions handy. I have always found myself writing code in a dummy TextMate file, then copying and pasting it into RapidWeaver. And when I would have to make a change I would copy the code into the dummy TextMate file and so on until I was satisfied with the results.

So to make a long story short, after years of using TextMate, I finally enabled the "Edit in TextMate" feature and tried to invoke it in a RapidWeaver project and POOF! It works like a charm! Now I can place my caret in any RapidWeaver field (main content, sidebar, titles, custom fields, etc...) in RapidWeaver and type ctrl-cmd-E and edit the contents of that field with the power of TextMate.

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