August 28, 2008

Old Friends on New Horizons

Varsis%20StudioIn late 2005 Chris Pavlicek (of Varsis Studio) and I started talking about collaborating on RapidWeaver themes. We both had something to offer the other; Chris with his unmistakable design style and willingness crack any code and me with my promotional skills and desire to make clean organized and effective code. By mid 2006 we were putting out some pretty revolutionary stuff.

After 3 years and many themes later, Chris and I are talking again. This time it's about me taking over his theme library, the one he has (or used to have) at Varsis Studio. Chris is really focusing hard on his RapidWeaver plugins which as any software developer will tell is very demanding on his time. Before the new was done we were talking about this and working out the small details.

Today we're starting to see the results of all that talking. I was able to release Varsis Studio Fade on Fade is a RapidWeaver theme that Chris did up for a pro developer bundle back in January of 2007. I've spent a few weeks on it, gutting from the inside out and filling it full of new features.

The rest will follow over time, interspersed with a few seyDesign originals, and who knows, maybe even another Varsis/seyDoggy collaboration.

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